Judith Thompson Auteurs

A écrit 1 ouvrage enregistré au catalogue de la MAV

À propos de Judith Thompson

Née en 1954 à Montréal.
Diplômée de la Queen’s University en 1976 et de la National Theatre School en 1979.
Débute comme comédienne puis se dirige rapidement vers l’écriture et la mise en scène.
Enseigne l’art dramatique à l’Université de Guelph.
Vit à Toronto.
Plusieurs récompenses : deux Governor General Awards, deux Chalmers Awards, un Toronto Arts Awards.
Principales pièces : I AmYours, Yellow Canaries, The Leaves of Forever, Sled, Lion in the Streets, White Biting Dog, The Crackwalker.


Born in Montreal in 1954.
Graduated from Queen’s University in 1976 and from the National Theatre School in 1979.
Worked briefly as a professional actor before she became more interested in writing.
Professor of drama at the University of Guelph.
Lives in Toronto.
Many awards: two Governor General Awards, tow Chalmers Awards, one Toronto Arts Awards.
Main plays : I AmYours, Yellow Canaries, The Leaves of Forever, Sled, Lion in the Streets, White Biting Dog, The Crackwalker.

Autres ouvrages

Yellow Canaries - The Leaves of Forever - Sled - Lion in the Streets - White Biting Dog - The Crackwalker - Perfect Pie