La technique de l’homme blanc

de Victor Viviescas

Traduit de l'espagnol par Denise Laroutis

Avec le soutien de la MAV


  • Pays d'origine : Colombie
  • Titre original : La técnica del hombre blanco
  • Date d'écriture : 2000
  • Date de traduction : 2002

La pièce

  • Genre : Drama
  • Nombre d'actes et de scènes : 15 fragments and an epilog
  • Décors : A kitchen and a cellar
  • Nombre de personnages :
    • 3 au total
    • 2 homme(s)
    • 1 femme(s)
  • Domaine : protégé : Victor Viviescas
  • Lecture publique :
    • Date : 27/08/ 02
    • Lieu : Festival La Mousson d'Eté à Pont-à-Mousson



A kitchen and a cellar. In the kitchen are Korvan/Roscoe and Agnes/Maggy. They lead a double life, banal and evil; things happen in the house and beyond, where violence is raging. In the cellar, a man in chains, Roscoe's 'prey', lures the characters to him. The house is overrun with violence, then becomes peaceful once more.

Regard du traducteur

The author sets up a strong tension between the peaceful and good-natured banality of Korvan and Agnes, who, when they go by the names of Roscoe and Maggy, are violent and twisted. The fine line between dream and reality is not clear and well-defined, yet as the different 'fragments' develop and continue, you're forced to admit that the worst is always certain: Maggy, in sexy underwear, is a victim; Roscoe, a hunter, a killer. Nirvana represents humanity on the run, victims of other victims of a merciless system. This strong tension and the upsurge in horror which is genuinely felt by the audience, rather than simply suggested, unwaveringly lead to a climax and an outcome that leave the audience breathless.